Once you have chosen your package, click next and you should see a form come up. In the example, I chose a banner ad. Upload your banner image and enter the destination URL. Click continue. After the page changes to your home page, check your account to see that the...
Navigating YB Cafe Ads Part 5 Fill in the ad forms
Tutorials /
Sep 23rd, 2023
Navigating Yb Cafe ADs Part 4 Choose your duration
Tutorials /
Sep 11th, 2023
Once you have chosen your Ad Type, Click continue. In this example, I chose banner ads. The list should look like what you see in the picture. All add packages are listed on this page. You are going to see prices listed with the ad package. If you chose a...
Navigating YB Cafe Ads Part 3 Ad New Advertisement
Tutorials /
Sep 11th, 2023
Now that you have edited your profile and checked your password, what's next? Well, let's set up your ads. Assuming you have already purchased a package or added money to your account, you can click Add New Ad Link on the left navigation. The page should look like the above...