Once you have clicked the advertiser home link you will see the page in the example above. As mentioned in part one, the navigation links on the left will allow you to get around YB Cafe Ads. It is recommended that you edit your profile. You can check to see...
Navigating YB Cafe Ads Part 1 First Page and Advertiser home
Tutorials /
Sep 11th, 2023
Ok...So you signed up. Now what? When you sign in to your account. You should see a list of links depicted above. Click on Advertiser home. You will have a full page of your information. The campaigns you set up will also be listed on this page. Plus there are...
What is YB Cafe Ads
Announcements /
Jun 30th, 2023
YB Cafe Ads is a network advertising service that provides banner and text ads promotion. All packages are priced for every budget. YB Cafe ads are a great place to boost your website visibility on a limited budget. Every website needs visitors no matter the method of advertising. Find out...